
Think LINQ – .Cast()

Personally, I find that .Cast() is an often overlooked part of LINQ. Of course, .Cast() is handy when casting each element of an IEnumerable<> from one type to another. However, one detail in its method signature brings to light a much more interesting use: .Cast() extends IEnumerable, the non-generic interface, but returns IEnumerable<>. This is significant because it becomes a gateway for non-generic collections to take advantage of the whole LINQ library. Collections that may have been developed for .NET 2.0 get .Where(), .Select(), etc.

Consider the following example when working System.Web.Security.MembershipUserCollection, which was introduced in .NET 2.0:

MembershipUserCollection muc = Membership.GetAllUsers();
IEnumerable<MembershipUser> lockedOutUsers = muc.Cast<MembershipUser>().Where(mu => mu.IsLockedOut);

Without LINQ, this would have had to have been written to iterate over each user in the MembershipUserCollection, then add to an temporary list of MembershipUsers. Instead, it’s a concise one-liner.