
Gaskets, casters, and filters

The box was so close to being done. Just needed something to keep the filters in place, but also allow them to be easily removed. I decided on using weatherproofing gasket with adhesive backing. Now the filters fit snugly, but are still easy to remove and replace.

Photo of rubber gasket stuck to the uprights in one side of the filter box

I also needed to be able to run the fan’s power cord out from inside the box, so I Dremmel’d a rounded notch over a spot in the circle that was dinged up from starting the hole with the jigsaw.

Close-up of ~1/4 inch rounded notch cut into radius of hole where fan pulls air

This thing is quite heavy, so I bought some casters and now I can roll it around my shop. I’m so stoked to have a decent filter in the garage now! I plan to figure out some nice hardware to secure the fan on top, but for now it’s quite stable just sitting in place.

Photo of completed filter box on casters with filters installed and fan sitting on top