
Hackaday Superconference 2023 – Day 1 – How do I JPEG?

First day of Hackaday Superconference 2023 down and I’ve had some time at home to tinker with the code on this year’s badge. The badge itself has some nifty analog-ish oscilloscope-like features that I’m sure I’d understand and enjoy more if I knew more about electrical engineering. However, I do know plenty to futz around with the cool round TFT display and buttons!

Photo of my badge displaying my avatar laying on top of my closed laptop; there is also a Flipper Zero running my CO2 monitor laying on the laptop

Since the Vectorscope repo hadn’t been updated at the time I received my badge, I had to poke around in Thonny to see what the code on the Raspberry Pi Pico actually looked like. There was a handy demo showing off the round screen with a slideshow of pictures of planets, so I copied that and made a conference version of my avatar:

Customized avatar showing my head in my respirator with green Hackaday and X logos

Somehow, I got lucky when I saved the file, because I was having a ton of issues trying to display any other JPEG image I created for the badge. Once I got home, the Vectorscope repo had been updated with the latest code matching the badge and followed the trail from Vectorscope to the gc9a01_mpy display library where a helpful file shared the key:

# You can convert images to compatible jpg's by using ImageMagick's convert
# utility by specifying the output type as TrueColor. ImageMagick downloads
# are available from for Linux, OSX, Windows and
# other operating systems.
# The wi-alien.svg icon is from
# licensed under SIL OFL 1.1

convert wi-alien.svg -type TrueColor alien.jpg

From there, I made a slightly cleaner copy of the “planets” demo, gave it a nice spot on the main menu, and included both my avatar and QR code. Now I’m ready for day two!

Selfie of me holding my badge showing my customized avatar

See also